Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

ANDRA: Numerical methods for reactive transport

Participants : Édouard Canot, Jocelyne Erhel, Souhila Sabit.

Title: Numerical methods for reactive transport.

Time: October 2010-October 2013

Partner: ANDRA Coordination: J. Erhel, with G. Pépin (ANDRA)

Abstract: It is quite challenging to develop a numerical model for deep storage of nuclear waste. The time interval is very large (several thousands years), models are coupled and simulations must be accurate enough to be used for risk assessment. In most cases, chemistry must be included in models of deep geological storage. We have developed an efficient global method coupling transport and chemistry by a Newton-type algorithm. See sections 6.3.4 , 4.2 , 8.2.7 , 5.1.6 .